TWU Community Campaign Begins
February 9, 2024 2024-02-09 1:06TWU Community Campaign Begins
TWU Community Campaign Begins
The Tennessee Wesleyan University Community Campaign began with a kick-off breakfast on Thursday, February 8. This year, the campaign seeks to raise $250,000 with a focus on student scholarships, a student emergency fund, and support for athletics.
In his greeting to the group of community leaders and campus administration, Dr. Tyler Forrest, TWU’s President, reminded those in attendance that they are “the backbone of this campaign and without their efforts, and the support of the community, the student experience at TWU would look much different.”
The campaign committee is comprised of local business and civic leaders who come together as champions for TWU. Led by chairperson Allen Carter, the members will be contacting local alumni and friends of the university, as well as businesses, to raise funds to support the student experience in and out of the classroom.
Within the campaign are multiple mini campaigns to help reach the overarching goal of $250,000 by the end of June. Those include the final gifts needed to begin work on the Ben and Cynthia Wilson Tennis Center. The $300,000 goal for this new building is 83% of its goal in pledges and funds received.
The Bulldog Investment Club, an allocated investments fund managed by students under the supervision of finance faculty currently has a balance of $140,000. A generous donor has committed a matching gift of $50,000 with a goal to bring the total corpus to $250,000.
Another focus area is the funding needed to complete the naming of the Linda Garza Department of Social Science. Her son, Marcos Garza of The Garza Law Firm in Knoxville, is the lead donor of this naming effort in honor of his mother and long-time TWU faculty member. The fund is currently at 70% of its goal.
The community partnership helps extend and solidify TWU’s rankings as one of the preeminent small liberal arts institutions in the region. Those wishing to support the TWU Community Campaign can click here to make a gift, or mail to the TWU Advancement Office at 204 East College Street, Athens, TN 37303.