Reaffirmation Timeline

Reaffirmation Timeline

Studying at TWU prepares you for the career you want with experience employers are looking for

Project Timeline

*Due to the circumstances surrounding COVID-19, the on-site visit has been postponed to November 2020. 

The process for reaffirmation began in spring 2018. A committee was established, compliance data was collected and the format for the QEP was developed.

This timeline has been established to help the University plan ahead and ensure deadlines are met.

Spring 2019
  • Draft Compliance Report
  • Contact external consultants to review Compliance Report
  • Conduct internal review cycles
  • Develop Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)
  • Feb. 18-21, 2019: Observe on-site peer review team at Chowan University, NC (Private, Level III)
Summer 2019
  • Complete draft of compliance report
  • Continue internal review cycles
  • Compliance Report based on University input
  • Develop QEP
Fall 2019
  • Sept. 10: Compliance Report due
  • Conduct internal review cycles on the QEP
  • Oct. 10: Submit nomination and accompanying biographical information to be considered for Lead QEP Evaluator (6 months prior to on-site visit)
  • Revise the QEP based on University input
  • Complete QEP by November
  • Prepare for off-site peer review
  • Nov. 5-8: off-site peer review
  • Develop a Focused Report, as needed
Spring 2020
  • Feb. 5-6: Advisory Visit
  • March 2: Submit the QEP and Focused Report (6 weeks before the on-site visit)
  • April 13-16: Host the on-site peer review team
  • Begin implementing QEP
Summer 2020

Begin preparing any responses to the on-site peer review team

Fall 2020
  • Sept. 16: Formally respond to review by the on-site peer review team
  • Dec. 8-11: Prepare for review by SACSCOC Board of Trustees
  • Continue implementing QEP
Spring 2021
  • Receive official letter of accreditation (i.e. Action Letter) from SACSCOC Board of Trustees in January
  • Continue implementing QEP

TWU prepares students with the transformative experience and to be well-rounded leaders who make a positive impact on the world.

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